Statement from Tubas PGFTU and Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group in support of the UNISON motion
Boycott Israel, the State of Occupation
From The Union of Public Services –members of the General Federation of
the Palestinian Workers Trade Unions – to The national UNISON conference
in Brighton 19-22 June.
On behalf of all the workers of Palestine, we wish to thank you very much
and express to you our utmost gratitude and appreciation for all the bold
steps currently being taken to declare a boycott of the occupying State of
We consider the boycott of Israel to be an important step towards putting
an end to:-
- the occupation,
- the daily killing of our sons & daughters and
- the systematic abuse of Palestinian human dignity.
We believe the boycott of Israel, the State of Occupation to be a defiant
step of the Free-minded who believe in human dignity. It is also an
important step in order to put an end to Israel’s policies of racism,
which reached the point of turning the Palestinian territories into a big
open prison as a result of the construction of the separation wall and the
presence of more than 350 military check points which cut off our
Palestinian land and isolate us from the world.
We call on you to make every possible effort to alleviate our suffering.
Bassaam Al-Musalmaani
President of the Tubas Public Services Union